White space fit out for the largest telecom provider in the Netherlands


Setting up a customer suite for the largest telecom provider in the Netherlands in a commercial data center. Where all disciplines of our expertise are covered.


We started with the installation of the cable runways underneath the raised floor in which we then installed the power whips from the RPP to the 50+ racks on the hall.

We installed the  airguards (floor grommets wiht brushes) to accomedate the pdu power leads under the raised floor to the Cee-form plugs.
Installed the 50+ 19″ racks and Cooling Alley. At the same time we installed the overhead cable mesh tray. The ODF’s facilitated the complete room layout for the copper and fiber cabling. Of course the whole project was realized within time, within budget.

As you know, pictures speak more than 1000 words.


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